the creator
pilrgims visiting Muktinath consider
the eternal flames in the Fire Gompa a manifestation of Brahma.*
part of the Hindu trinity Brahma, the creator; Vishnu,
the preserver and Shiva, the destroyer,
Brahma represents the creating qualities of the all-pervading impersonal
reality which is symbolized by Aum and is referred
to as Brahman (with 'n'). Joining Buddhism and Hinduism one could say:
Brahman is Clear Mirror, Brahma
reflects creative aspects.

Trimurti |
of Scholarship
Brahma was
born from a lotus, a beautiful white flower standing in the mud,
teaching that regardless of origin one can be free and pure. He
performs the role of Prajapati or Ishvara, as it
is referred to in other forms of Hinduism, by creating the universe
many eras ago.
Brahma is the lord of scholarship
and the four Vedas came from his mouth. His
consort is Saraswati, the goddess
of higher learning and arts.
Brahma's attributes are the rosary,
the receptacle of holy water, the ladle and the Vedas. His mount is
a goose or swan. Brahma is usually represented with four heads, allowing
him to watch over the whole world.
More online information
For more backgrounds on Hindu Deities & images see the Hindu
Deities Index.
* Other Hindu pilgrims consider the flames a manifestation of Agni.
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