Sages, Sãlagrãma
& Krishna
In the Brief Introduction to Muktinath
one can read that for Hindus the area of the Gandaki
River - also called the Sãlagrãma
river - is primarely connected to the veneration of Vishnu
in the form of stones called Salagrama Shilas.
It is said the most beautiful one can be found at Salagrama,
a place where also Krishna,
the eight incarnation of Vishnu, is connected to.
Vijayadhvaja's famous 15 th century commentary Padarathnãvali
on the Bhãgavata
Purãna adds to verse 28 of skandha tenth, chapter
ninety, says:
Sages visiting Sãlagrãma to
see Lord Krishna
28.3-6. "(In order to see Lord Krishna) Sages of tranquil minds
and always engaged in observing religious vows, used to come from
sacred places like Pindãraka, Kuruksetra ,
Sãlagrãma, Puskara, Vãrãnasi, Prayaga,
Venkata (Tirupati), Sri-Parvata, from far off places like Gokarna
and beautiful Candra-tirtha (the source of the Kaveri from Brahmagiri
in Coorg.) from Sahyãdri, Bhrguksetra (Broach), Kumãra-hill,
from the banks of the holy Godavari, from the Narmadã, from
Surpãraka (Sopara, Thana Dist. Maharashtra), Prabhãsa,
the holy Badarikãsrama from the holy Naimasãranya and
the inaccessible Brahmadurga."
About the sages
he says while continuing:
28.7. "The sages were of different categories (observing
different types of vows): Some subsisted on water; some on mere air;
some abstained from food altogether, but all of them were firm in
the observance of vows, some were clad in bark garments and deer skin,
some grew matted hair, while others had clean-shaven heads.
Some bathed thrice a day, some strictly observed the vow of silence,
some were engaged in the study of the Vedas, while others in reciting
prayers and hymns to Gods.
Some devoted their minds to contemplation, some determined on meditative
trance. Some had only skin and bones in their persons, a bundle of
veins and arteries.
O king Pariksit! These serene-minded sages came from all directions.
These meditators on reality always waited upon Lord Krsna,
O emperor."
The Bhãgavata Purãna
Translated and annotated by Ganesh Vasudeo Tagare M.A., Ph. D.
Part IV (Skandha X), page 1844-1845
First edition, Delhi 1978
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